How Meatless Mondays Contribute to Sustainability

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3 min readJun 5, 2019

There is a slowly growing trend called “Meatless Mondays” that involves not eating meat products on Mondays. People are encouraged to reduce their meat consumption and cook healthy plant-based meals instead. While Meatless Mondays won’t completely reduce the negative environmental impact of eating meat, the trend is a helpful contribution to sustainability efforts.

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Reducing Overall Meat Consumption

Americans eat a lot of meat per capita when compared to other nations. Part of this has to do with the common American diet, which includes processed and fast foods. However, cows emit methane that can contribute to climate change, and processing them for consumption requires a lot of carbon.

People who do not consume meat significantly reduce their environmental impact. If you abstained from meat one day a week, you’d lower your overall meat consumption by nearly 15%. The more people that participate in Meatless Mondays, the larger the impact. Eventually, the meat industry may raise fewer cows because demand has decreased.

Increasing Awareness of Environmental Problems with Meat

Meatless Mondays increase awareness of the environmental problems associated with meat. To participate in the weekly event, you have to know about it. This means that you, in some part, acknowledge that there’s an environmental impact from meat consumption.

Some people participate in Meatless Mondays because they want to reduce their meat consumption for health reasons. Even though that isn’t directly associated with the environment, it still raises awareness for the environment as people recognize that a plant-based diet is healthier. It is unlikely that a vast majority of Americans will embrace strict vegetarianism, but this is a start.

Encouraging People to Learn New Recipes

There are so many delicious recipes and cuisines around the world that refrain from using meat. Some people have grown used to making meat the staple of their meal that veggies and grains are left for small side dishes. When you learn to cook meatless meals, you have to rethink your plate and what you make. This is a great opportunity to learn about recipes and cultures that promote health and sustainability.

Getting People Involved in Environmentalism

When people participate in Meatless Mondays, they are getting involved in environmentalism. People care most about things that personally impact them. Therefore, people who go meatless in this way may be more likely to support other environmentally-friendly causes such as animal rights and conservation. This trend helps to promote sustainability overall.

Making a commitment to stop eating meat on Mondays may seem like a little act that won’t make a difference in the long run. However, Meatless Mondays help promote sustainability by increasing awareness of per capita meat consumption. They encourage people to eat in a more environmentally-friendly manner and get involved in environmentalism. The only way to make sustainability a mainstream concern is by getting more people involved. Fortunately, people who participate in sustainability initiatives such as Meatless Mondays may be more inclined to support and participate in other significant sustainability plans as well.

Visit Akeptus today to learn more about sustainability initiatives such as Meatless Mondays and other ways to reduce your environmental impact. Akeptus offers innovative energy management solutions that assist businesses and individuals in optimizing their energy usage, lowering costs, and increasing grid efficiency. Akeptus enables users to take control of their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint by leveraging non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) technology and artificial intelligence. Join Akeptus in promoting sustainability and having a positive impact on the environment.



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