Announcing TrustCheck OG POAP

Jason Hinojosa
The Builder’s Code
2 min readDec 2, 2022

Last month we launched TrustCheck and during that time we have seen:

  • Install grow 70% week over week
  • Transactions checked increase 400% week over week
  • Scanned 650K URLs

Thank You! None of this would be possible without your support!

To commemorate this milestone we are launching an exclusive POAP to thank our community for helping us make web3 safe for all!

What Is a POAP?

POAP, or in full name “Proof of Attendance Protocol”, is a type of NFT badge that is given to participants of virtual and real-world events.

The only way to get a certain POAP is to participate in a particular event. By collecting POAPs, a person is able to document their crypto journey from the beginning.

To better understand what POAP is, please refer to the FAQs of their official website.

TrustCheck OG POAP

The TrustCheck OG POAP serves as a badge of participation that is earned by community members who have used our browser extension.

The POAP is available to those who:

  1. Have simulated a transaction using TrustCheck AND
  2. Have submitted their wallet and email addresses using the form in the #claim-poap channel on Discord by December 9, 2022

We will post an announcement in Discord with instructions on how to claim your POAP within 5 days of the claim window closing.

Click here to join our Discord!

Notes for qualification:

  • The simulation must be done using the TrustCheck browser extension on Ethereum mainnet.
  • The wallet address you submitted through the form MUST match the address used to simulate the transaction to be eligible for the POAP.
  • Simulated transactions include purchasing or minting an NFT, and swapping or purchasing tokens. You do not need to complete the transaction to qualify. TrustCheck analyzing the transaction counts as a simulation.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us through the #discord-support channel in Discord.

