The Sixth Sense

Stephen Bau
Builders Collective
Sep 16, 2018


I am not sure why we still consider only five senses. The ear contains the apparatus for the translation of environmental vibrations into the sensation of hearing. It also includes a vestibular system to help us understand our orientation in space based on the direction of gravitational forces. This system provides us with a sense of balance. If we didn’t have this sense of balance, we could not stand upright; we could not function. We already have a sixth sense. By going through the deconstruction process that you offer in your recent book, I hope we can regain a sense of balance by avoiding the extremes of left and right and finding a sensible middle ground where we can agree that we need humanity to be much more centred and grounded in reality.



Stephen Bau
Builders Collective

Designer, educator, social architect, founder, Builders Collective. We are exploring how we imagine, design, and build the future together.