How to Get the Most out of your Candles

Emma Hunt Brown
Building a house, making a home
4 min readFeb 13, 2020

A wonderful friend gifted me one of my favorite indulgences recently, a luxury candle. I’ve admired it sat in its box for weeks now, but it begs the question why haven’t I lit it? I light candles most night, it’s part of my self care routine and admittedly unlike chocolate or a g&t one of the few vices that doesn’t pile on pounds.

The reason is, these luxury candles are just so expensive, I’m almost scared to waste it. Ridiculous I know, particularly because more expensive candles last so much longer and are made from natural ingredients. But the thought spurred me into researching how to get the most out of this investment, how can I get every last ounce of pleasure from its beautifully scented demise. Read on to find out.


  • Light your candles 30mins to an hour before your guests arrive. It takes about 30 minutes for a candle to begin to fully give off its scent, as the wax has to melt first. Place the candle somewhere with space around it so that the scented air can circulate easily.
  • Always burn it for two hours on first use. This is pretty crucial to allow the top layer of wax to fully melt, ensuring even burning when you next light it. Blowing it out before it’s at this point will cause tunneling (that little dip that causes the wick to fall deeper and deeper into the center of the candle). If you tunnel the wick, all of the wax around the tunnel is now wasted. Burn your candle completely to the edges and make sure the first layer is entirely melted liquid before blowing it out.
  • Trim the wick, don’t let it get longer than a few millimeters. The longer the wick the quicker the burn, so trimming makes it last longer, prevents black smoke from occurring and ensures the glass doesn’t over-heat.
  • Re-centre the wick when you blow out your candle. Making sure you re-centre after putting your candle out, when the wax is still liquid. This will prevent the wick from shifting and blackening the glass.
  • Clean the glass. If your glass turns black due to the candle having been left to burn for too long, use a wet cotton pad with warm soapy water and gently rub the black stains, making sure you dry the area properly before lighting your candle again.
  • Re-use the jar! If you’ve invested in a luxury candle, don’t throw it away once it runs out. To repurpose the holder when your candle has completely burnt down, simply pour hot water in the glass and leave a few minutes to cool. The heat from the water should have melted the edges of the wax enabling you to poke the wick or any wax left. Swirl it gently, empty the water in a sink and wipe with a paper towel. Repeat this process a couple of times until the glass is completely clean. Candle wax can also be easily removed, put your candle holders in the freezer for a couple hours, then gently press the wax with a spoon. The wax will literally ‘pop’ off, leaving a clean surface.
  • I love to sneak a smaller votive inside or use for make-up or flowers!


  • Leave candles in direct sunlight and definitely not on a windowsill. Firstly wax is a natural product and if it gets too hot it can warp and melt. Even in winter, direct sunlight can fade or discolour a coloured candle and its packaging.
  • Burn your candles for more than 6 hours and leave 24 hours between each time that you light it, as this will extend the life of your candle.
  • Place your candle near a draught. This will result in an uneven burn and tunneling, where all of the wax above the wick is wasted.

So armed with that knowledge, I’ve already been around and trimmed wicks. Rest assured my lounge will be filled with the scent of White Jasmine & Mint tonight, that candle is going on!

