The Ones and Zeros of Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Levano
Building a New Future Bit by Byte
3 min readOct 2, 2018

This series of blog posts do a great job of sparking up the conversation of Artificial Intelligence, but talk is cheap without data to back it up. It is easy to have an opinion on AI, but the numbers in data are fact.

What do most people think about AI?

The following surveys from ARM are based on a sample size of 3,938 people across North America, Europe, and Asia. The participants in the survey were screened to ensure they had a basic understanding of AI(ARM, 2018).

Of the screened participants, 61% of people decided that AI and increased automation will make society better. These people also decided that the three most appealing applications of AI are medical apps that diagnose illnesses early, advanced traffic lights, and also full autonomous vehicles. Although fully autonomous vehicles are found to be one of the most useful applications of AI, would people actually trust AI to hold their lives in its hands? Well according to ARM’s survey, the majority say yes.

One thing to note about ARM’s research is that they asked participants they think about AI now, and what they think about AI in the future.

What do people think about AI job displacement?

ARM asked participants which job sectors they felt are most under threat from AI machines. According to the survey, consumers assume that manufacturing and banking jobs are threatened the most by AI. The results from another survey by ARM suggest that although AI will replace many human workers, consumers still believe that humans will be able to do a better job than AI in all of the same fields of work listed in the previous survey.

The concluding thoughts of humans on the thoughts of machines

To the majority of people in this ARM survey AI will impact their lives whether they want it to or not. The general consensus from this study shows that although people think AI will be able to enhance their lives, a human will always do a better job.


AI Today, AI Tomorrow. (2017). Retrieved from

ARM Architecture

