Building a news app from scratch: Part 0

Russ Weas
Building a news app using Laravel
1 min readNov 26, 2015

I’ve decided that I’m going to start writing a series of Medium articles outlining the creation of a online news app from scratch.

I was thinking we could take an existing website, and create a basic clone of it to outline the use of several technologies. I was thinking of using:

  • Laravel PHP framework family (Homestead, Elixir, Forge, etc)
  • Vue JS
  • Stylus CSS pre-processor & Lost grid framework
  • Git & Github
  • Algolia search

Of course I may use more resources or leave a few off, but this is just a rough outline.

I’m hoping I’ll be able to release a new article every Wednesday, so be sure to check back here next Wednesday!

Throughout the series, you’re welcome to leave comments or questions at any point!

