The Basics of Prompt Engineering for Product Managers

Building Ai Products
2 min readMay 15, 2023

What is Prompt Engineering?
Prompt engineering refers to the process of constructing a prompt, or a specific question or task, for a language model. This prompt serves as the input for the language model to produce output. It is essentially the seed that determines the direction and context of the output a language model will generate. Prompt engineering can range from simply specifying a sentence or a few keywords to writing a full paragraph or even an essay.

How is Prompt Engineering Used in Products?
Prompt engineering has many applications in products, particularly in the field of natural language processing. The most common use case is for language models like GPT-3 or BERT, which can generate natural language text based on the prompt given to them. This technology has been utilized in creating chatbots, language translation services, and even content creation tools. By engineering specific prompts, product managers can train these language models to generate targeted and relevant content for their product.

Examples of Prompt Engineering in Action
One of the most prominent examples of prompt engineering is OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model. Users can interface with GPT-3 through numerous applications, for example, chatbots like AI Dungeon, which generates sophisticated and dynamic narratives based on the user’s prompts. Another example is, which uses GPT-3 to generate copy and other written content based on prompts defined by the user. In both use cases, the quality of the generated content is directly dependent on the quality of the prompts provided by the user.

How Product Managers Can Utilize Prompt Engineering
As a product manager, you may want to consider incorporating prompt engineering technology into your product. However, keep in mind that you will need data to train and improve your language model. For example, you may use customer reviews or social media posts to gather data and use that data to inform the prompts you engineer.

Prompt engineering is a powerful technology that product managers can leverage to improve their product’s content generation, natural language processing, and customer interactions. The applications of prompt engineering are varied and growing, making it an exciting technology to explore. By understanding what prompt engineering is, how it works, and how it can be used in products, product managers can successfully incorporate it into their products to provide better services and experiences for their customers.



Building Ai Products

Engineer at Heart, Product Manager by choice, Aspiring entrepreneur, Avid book reader, self driving cars enthusiast. work at eBay.