I am not a developer

Ben Werdmuller
Building an Open Startup
3 min readOct 9, 2015


Since co-founding Known with Erin Richey eighteen months ago, one of my biggest professional challenges, both inwardly and outwardly, has been this:

I am not a developer.

I have development skills and was a startup CTO for a decade. Absolutely. I know how to architect a system and write code. I can smell when someone is trying to bullshit me about what their technology is and how it works. I keep on top of emerging technology and I enjoy having conversations about it.

But I am not a developer.

That’s not my role. Nor should it be.

When we started Known, I became (once again) a co-founder, but also a CEO — a crucial position in any company. Among other things, the CEO is responsible for:

  • Setting strategy and vision
  • Building a nurturing company culture
  • Creating an amazing team
  • Making money

The last one probably should have come first. I think a good way of putting it is that my job is to make myself redundant — but until then, do everything that needs to be done.

If the company doesn’t grow, I’ve failed. If the company runs out of money, I’ve failed. If we put out a shitty product, I’ve failed. If we lose momentum in the market and people stop thinking of us, I’ve failed.

Engineering is crucial. Design is crucial. Business development is crucial. Sales and marketing are — guess what? — crucial. You can’t get by with one of those things alone.

It turns out that I still write code. Sometimes, I write a lot of code. But the more time I spend building product, the more time is taken away from doing the hard work of validating and selling it. Writing code is like spinning your wheels when you’re building the wrong thing.

Validation is crucial. I’m not Steve Jobs. (For one thing, I don’t have a huge team of engineers and designers whose work I can take credit for.) Figuring out product / market fit, pricing and your go-to-market strategy are not things you can hand-wave away between other things. It’s a full-time profession.

If we fail, it’s because of decisions I made. I’ve made many mistakes — as any founder does — but one of the most important was to fail to have a technical co-founder. I thought because I was the technical partner, that we didn’t need one. In fact, every technology startup needs a technical co-founder, even when the CEO is technical themselves.

If we succeed, it’s because we’ve overcome this limitation and managed to grow an awesome team at a company with a nurturing culture and a killer vision. It will be beause we’ve made something that people want and pay for in significant numbers, and have captured value while providing even more value to the people we serve. It won’t be because we have great code, although great code will be a component. It won’t be because we have great design, although great design will be a component. It won’t be because we have an amazing sales and marketing strategy, although we’ll need it.

I’m lucky. Through Matter, we got high-end training in design thinking and access to an incredible community, as well as the ability to pitch like a pro. Through my network of peers, I’m constantly inspired by other CEOs who are building businesses they’re proud of, and I learn from them as much as possible. By being in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’m a part of a community of experts. My task is to draw all of this together — as well as my startup experience, and my experience building technology. My task is to build a successful company.

I am not a developer.

Originally published at werd.io on October 9, 2015.



Ben Werdmuller
Building an Open Startup

Writer: of code, fiction, and strategy. Trying to work for social good.