Part 1 — Visual Feature Detection for Autonomous Vehicle Video Streams

Part 1 of GPS Denied Navigation

Software for Autonomous Aerospace
1 min readMay 17, 2020


This is Part 1 in a series on building software for GPS Denied Navigation in advanced aerospace robotics.

This is what we’re building in this post:

Go here to see a hq version:

In this example I used the first 15 seconds of the comma ai speedchallenge video and ran a Shi-Tomasi feature detector on it. This isn’t that useful, but demonstrates how you can extract features from video.

We use cv.goodFeaturesToTrack() and set some default parameters to get some good data out of it.

This is the first frame. Loop through the frames of the video, find the corners by turning the frame to grayscale then running it through opencv’s Shi-Tomasi algo.

Check out Part 2!



Software for Autonomous Aerospace

Product Engineer. Autonomous Flight. Angel Investor. Recovering startup founder.