Discord Announcement

Alvaro Luken
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2021

Hey everyone! The ChainShot community is growing at an exponential rate! In an effort to continue this growth in a fun and sustainable way, we have decided to merge our entire community into our Discord server.

ChainShot opens up Discord to community!

Previously the Discord server has been reserved for bootcamp students only but we feel that this is the proper time to fully open it up to the broader community. This also means that the Slack channel will be shutting down over the next couple of weeks. We see this move as a huge win-win as:

  • ChainShot will be better able to concentrate our community-building efforts, instead of segmenting them and provide the most value back to the community in one place.
  • New and current members of the community, those who are either students of the current bootcamp cohort, Alumni of prior cohorts, or anyone enrolled into the free courses, will be able to easily interface and network.

Here is the invite link to join: https://discord.gg/chainshot

As a reminder if you are new to our community,

We look forward to seeing you in there,

Team ChainShot

“At ChainShot, we offer the best Ethereum development resources. Our guides and tutorials will get you up to speed on basic blockchain development, coding in solidity and interacting with crypto protocols like Uniswap, AAVE and more. If you are interested in further learning, join the 10-week instructor led Ethereum developer bootcamp today!”

