Graduate Spotlight: Justin Johnson

Dan Nolan
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2020

What first sparked your interest in learning more about Blockchain? ✨

I first got interested in Blockchain from being exposed to Bitcoin during the crazy times of the 2017 boom.

There are currently many blockchains being used. Why did you decided to learn Ethereum Development over other blockchains? ⛓️

I chose Ethereum because it has the most developer support and currently the biggest community. The community played a big part everyone was always super supportive.

What inspired you to attend ChainShot’s Ethereum Developer Bootcamp? 🚵‍♂️

I’d often wanted to learn solidity and just deeper blockchain concepts but never found a solid curriculum based experience. ChainShot had a very well laid out curriculum of what you’ll learn, when you will learn it and the time expected to master the concepts.

There are quite a few educational resources to choose from — what made you decide to attend ChainShot over other programs? What were your goals for the bootcamp? 🏆

My goals for the bootcamp were first and foremost a better understanding of blockchain in general, blockchain is thrown around a lot as a hype word but most people never dive deeper into whats actually happening and I wanted to understand the intricacies. I chose ChainShot because it gave an understanding of the concepts along with actual practical coding knowledge. The hands on coding experience of building your own blockchain was great.

What was an average day in the bootcamp like? ☀️

An average day for me consisted of live classes , which sometimes were on demand coding experiences other times just teaching concepts. After the live class we would be free to read through the course material at our own pace. This helped tremendously since I also worked full time during the bootcamp.

What was most helpful about the environment and teaching style at ChainShot? 👩‍🏫

The hands on coding experience and live class experience was awesome. Another very helpful tool was the speakers that were invited to class. They gave in depth industry specific knowledge of blockchain as a tech and the future.

Can you tell us a bit about your experience in the bootcamp? (eg. What projects did you build? What was your favorite part of the bootcamp? What was something you learned that you didn’t expect to?) 🏗️

We built a ton of cool stuff, we made are very own proof of work blockchain, that was extremely cool. We also built an escrow application. We also even went through developing our very own token on the Kovan testnet. My favorite project was going through the DAO hack, seeing how powerful one line of code can be in an application was very mind opening. I didn’t really expect to learn about layer 2 solutions like rollups or zero knowledge proofs. Learning about these new concepts inspired me to want to build bigger and cooler things.

What have you been doing since you graduated from the Ethereum Developer Bootcamp? 🎓

After the Ethereum Bootcamp I started a Blockchain based group here in Memphis to gauge interest and keep people aware of the oncoming blockchain hackathons and events. I also plan to participate in supply chain based hackathon’s to marry Blockchain to supply chain.

What advice do you have for people interested in learning Blockchain/Ethereum development? 💡

Just got for it, I think most people are overwhelmed with where to start and how to start, but I’d say just jump in and go for it the Ethereum community so far has been great.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? 🤝

The ChainShot bootcamp was a very enjoyable experience with some great people, I’d highly recommend ChainShot to anyone who would like to learn more about the BlockChain space and Ethereum.

