New Course: Intro to Ethers.js

Alvaro Luken
Published in
Sep 1, 2021

Hey all! At ChainShot, we just rolled out a brand new free course: Intro to Ethers.js!

Learn how to query blockchain data like block numbers, wallet balances and transaction logs using the Ethers.js ( library. You will learn how to set up a local blockchain for testing, how to interact with the actual Ethereum blockchain and how to deploy your own contract.

You can enroll here:

If you want to learn more web3 developer tools, check out the Alchemy SDK. The Alchemy SDK is built on top of ethers.js! So in just 2–3 lines of code, you get the same exact base functionality as ethers in addition to Alchemy’s Enhanced APIs.

Stay tuned for more!
Team ChainShot

