Team ChainShot += 1;

Cody McCabe
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2021

What a year it’s been for ChainShot. By this month’s end, we will have graduated 57 students and are setting up to to start two new bootcamp cohorts. These cohorts start July 12th and run through September 9th. Applications will also open for our Fall bootcamps soon.

We have also recently welcomed a brand new team member to the ChainShot team!

Alvaro Luken — Newest ChainShot team member!

Newest ChainShot team member!

Software Developer / Instructor
Alvaro joins the team as our newest software developer / instructor. His previous experience as a software developer at General Motors and his passion for education are a fantastic combinatory match for the team.

As an instructor, Al has experience in various classroom formats; he has worked as an elementary school teacher for children in underserved communities and has given guest lectures at his alma mater, NYU.

While a student at NYU, he studied computer science and sustainable urban development. In 2017, he co-founded the first blockchain student club in New York City: Blockchain Lab @ NYU. He was also one of the first students to receive research grants to study blockchain topics.

Out of one of these grants, in which he wrote an early paper on protocols that used proof-of-work mining, he built an Ethereum miner (out of an old bookcase) in his dorm room. He appropriately dubs it: “Frankenstein”. The video below shows ‘Frankenstein’ and what that same rig looks like now.

First rig built in 2017, second in 2021 — what a difference!

First rig built in 2017, second in 2021 — what a difference!

When we were looking to hire, we didn’t need to look too far; Alvaro is an alumnus of our Ethereum Developer Bootcamp! For his bootcamp final project, he built an ERC-20-token-permissioned video chat application. In order to interact with the WebRTC video chat client, the user needed to own at least 25 ERC-20 tokens from a smart contract he deployed. Nice.

Welcome, Alvaro!

As the team continues to grow to account for the exponential growth in the industry, ChainShot is excited to continue providing unmatched blockchain education to a global audience of developers. Hear more about our efforts to make blockchain education accessible across global communities.

