Why we started this blog, and what we’re hoping it achieves

Pedro Franceschi
Building Brex


Since we started Brex in 2017, there were many things we wish we knew. We haven’t found many books on scaling from 50 to 400 people in a year, defining processes that generate good decisions, structuring teams around the right goals and metrics, and creating rituals that actually define a company culture. We had to figure out many of these things ourselves, and we know many other growing companies, such as our customers, do, too.

The idea of this blog is to share some of the learnings we had in the process of building Brex. There’s one rule for every single post: it has to be something that we ourselves would have found useful if we were to do it again. Things that, had we known them in advance, would have saved us a tremendous amount of time and helped us arrived at better outcomes, faster.

We want to be as raw as possible, and share our learnings directly from the leaders behind making things happen. Some of the things we’ve tried were successful, others failed miserably. We hope to show both sides of our journey of building Brex. Many posts are also mostly-unredacted versions of internal memos, which happens to be one of my favorite reading genres, and something I wish more companies shared externally. :)

There’s no recipe for building a company, and we don’t for a moment think to have all the answers, but I’m sure some of our learnings are applicable beyond just Brex. If we’re successful, our goal is to help other growing companies in their journey of building their teams, processes, and culture, and hopefully enable more of them to realize their full potential sooner.


Pedro Franceschi, Brex cofounder and co-CEO is a Brazilian entrepreneur. Before Brex, he built Pagar.me — a Brazilian payments platform — along with his co-founder Henrique Dubugras.

