Happy smiling eyes for Türkiye’s Future

2022- 2023 School Year Starting

Building Bridges


Back to the School…In the 2021 educational year, schools were opened by governments, but children had limited access to social facilities for school life. Moreover, all members had to wear face masks due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemics, which were still threatening social life. Fortunately, this year’s story is different. All schools are now opening without limitations, so all Türkiye is ready and happy to restart “normal educational life”.

In opposition to the great expectations above, the world must deal with the economic crisis caused by covid-19 damages on the supply chain and the war. Economists claim that this crisis will increase social inequalities like reaching healthy foods, safe transportation, educational rights, and accommodation due to its nature of it (poor becomes poorer and rich become richer).

BTF is ready to serve support to kids and young students in these challenging times in Türkiye. The aim of these projects is to support all children who need education tools or supportive equipment and documents.

We believe that the supporting sets listed below will add value to students’ life. It will be useful to help them to color their world, to provide more opportunities.

Join us in supporting students to succeed in the 2022–23 school year while enabling teachers to create meaningful experiences for them in the classroom. We as a BTF believe that a more crowded BTF family can touch more students’ and teachers’ life.

Donate easy way

>>> Back to School Fundraiser

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1. Arts4Kids

This set includes all kinds of arts and crafts supplies such as papers, glue, paints, pompoms, scissors, and play dough. It’s an excellent kindergarten set to support artists of the future and create a chance for them to perform art that comes from their peaceful and happy souls.

Art4kids for peaceful and happy souls

2. Backpacks4Kids

Remember the first day of your school life!!! New Backpack. Colorful, brand new and full of school supplies are ready to work in it. It feels like you can have everything you want at the age of Six. This set is prepared to decrease the number of children who can’t dream of this small happiness by 1.

3. Books4Kids

Civilizations started with the invention of writing. Reading guided us to improve our civilizations. 135 Storybooks for elementary schools and 80 books for kindergarten students are available to guide students to understand the structure of languages and improve their perspectives.

4. Dictionaries4Kids

Learning different languages give you a chance to communicate with people all around the world. Interactions between cultures become world smaller enough to understand more. This set supports students who have eager to learn different languages.

5. Educational Toys4Kids

Toys are the best tools to improve children’s creativity, learning skills, and social interactions. Turning education into an enjoyable game will make their life easier. Love to learn, learn to love.

6. Gifts4Kids

All we know is that, giving a present is one of the best actions to make a child happy. Happiness is a powerfully motivating children to improve themselves. Additionally, some toys like teddy bears, cars, books, and instruments greatly affect children’s futures and careers.

7. Well-Being4Kids

Health comes first! This is the fact. BTF’s Well-Being4Kids program is a collaborative effort with Make A Wish Türkiye that aims to provide children with life-threatening illnesses with renewed strength they need to keep fighting. Deserve to try at any cost, even if we have a minimal contribution; saving a child always comes first. With this collaboration, we, as BTF, are trying our best.

8. Math4Kids

Our population is growing. We will be more billions so soon. We need better scientists, engineers, architects, and doctors to solve more problems and make the cleaner world. This set is designed to help them to improve their math skills for better and more accurate calculations. Good luck to them. They will be busy.

9. Music4Kids

Musical education is one of the best ways to improve self-confidence. Playing an instrument provides you with many benefits as well as having fun. Behind the scenes, you must follow many rules and disciplines (including math and physics). Being under the spot lines requires good musical education. This set is optioned to help students who love music.

Music4kids for music lovers

10. Science4Kids

This set is ready to help small scientists who love to do experiments. Students gain the ability of observing problem solving, cooperation, and critical thinking. Providing experiments and understanding of biology, chemistry, solar, and all exciting scientific disciplines.

Science4kids for curious scientists

11. Tech4Kids

One of the critical duties of BTF is to provide modern learning tools to schools with no technological facility to educate students in computer and software science. Also, by supplying these technology devices, we aim to keep students connected to today’s digital world. The listed projects below are BTF’s primary target to deliver students who do not spend to buy one.

  • Laptops4Students
  • Tablets4Kids

12. Sport4Kids

We believe that a healthy body nurtures a healthy mind and that healthy active children have the potential to be effective learners. The BTF Sports4Kids Set is designed to support the physical well-being and academic success of our children, the youth of the future. Inside the BTF Sports4Kids Set, you can meet the basic needs of training a wide variety of physical activities in schools, including dance and gymnastics, hula hoop, jump rope, badminton, table tennis, ring athlete, basketball, football, volleyball, exercise mats and other equipment. There are helpful equipment and a First Aid Kit.

13. Specialcare4Kids

As BTF, we also care about kids who need special education. As one of the most vulnerable segments of any society, taking care of their essential needs is very important for special care kids. They require personalized education materials for their social integration and education. Acquiring such materials is extremely difficult, especially when a mental challenge is combined with poverty. BTF’s SpecialCare4Kids set includes materials that help teachers and parents in the schooling of special care kids. While preparing this set, we ensured that different materials addressed the needs of various mental challenges. We included numerous educational materials in the set, from memory cards to puzzles tailored to special care kids and materials that will help them with everyday issues such as eating, and toilet needs. You can also contribute to our fight against the difficult problem of poverty and mental struggle by donating BTF’s SpecialCare4Kids sets.

14. BTF Empowerment Scholarships

BTF Empowerment Scholarships projects are cooperative projects with universities and other NGOs like:

Get to know more about our power partners.

In summary, all sets above have been thought and designed to decrease inequalities among students. Providing an excellent education to all children under the same educational standards is one of the most important tasks of our generation. Happy and well-educated children will bring a better future for humankind.

Join us in supporting students to succeed in the 2022–23 school year while enabling teachers to create meaningful experiences for them in the classroom.

We as a BTF believe that a more crowded BTF family can touch more students’ and teachers’ life. It is a time they need you. And you want to be part of their happiness.

Donate easy way

>>> Back to School Fundraiser

>>> Donate via Facebook

If you would like to communicate with us about your donation, please send us an e-mail at info@bridgetoturkiye.org

