Boots4Kids and Coats4Kids Projects Continue to Deliver Happiness and Warmth…

Vicdan Babaloglu Akyurek
Building Bridges
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2017
Happy Holidays and a New Year:-)

Have you ever thought about changing a student’s life somewhere in Anatolia by just sending a pair of boots and a coat?

It is possible to give hope and to change a student’s life by sending a pair of boots and a coat… In short term, you will make a student warm and happy…In long term, you will give that student the hope that he/she matters in this world because somewhere around the world somebody cares for him/her to remember to send something…That thought alone gives a child self confidence and motivate that child to do more at school…Imagine hundreds of children in Turkish village schools feeling valued and motivated…

Thank you dear donor…

You made happiness and warmth possible for village school kids with your continued support of Boots4Kids and Coats4Kids Projects. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts…

In 2017–18 School year, we are happy to report that, 890 boots and 917 coats have been sent to 18 village schools in Turkey. Thanks to our donors, 890 grateful school kids are running to their schools in their warm boots and coats….

Look what I have:-)

Our Boots4Kids, Coats4Kids and Sneakers4Kids projects deliver boots, coats in winter and sneakers in spring to kids who are in need of financial aid. Your donations and ongoing support make these project possible. By the time you read this article, more kids will be delivered new boots and coats as well as happiness and hope… More kids will be smiling in villages in Turkey… New boots and coats not only warm little kids but they also give them self esteem and self confidence…

Love my new boots:-)

Most of these students in rural areas usually walk miles to school every day. By the time these students reach school, they are already too cold to do anything in class. Teachers go through heartbreaking times in these villages and when they hear from us, they also become hopeful and motivated to do more for these kids…That is why your donations are so vital…

We would very much like to continue delivering hope, happiness and warmth to more school kids and their teachers… We are counting on you to make their hopes and dreams come true…

Ready for winter….

Thank you for allowing us to deliver happiness, hope and warmth to village school kids and their teachers in this holiday season…

We are feeling awesome:-) Thank you…

Happy Holidays and a New Year from Bridge to Türkiye volunteers…

