BTF Youth Joins Chicago Children’s Business Fair

Elif Öztürk
Building Bridges


BTF (Bridge to Turkey Fund) Youth students took the opportunity to raise money for the students in Turkey to help them have a better future.

The Chicago Children’s Business Fair, one of the biggest young entrepreneur events that occurred on November 16, brought over 50 kids together to promote their businesses and sell their products. Even though attendees were selling for their own business, BTF Youth decided to make handmade products and to sell and donate the money to BTF so it could benefit the education of the students in Turkey.

To spread more information about Turkey’s culture, Youth students decided to sell baklava, one of the most popular -and delicious- Turkish desserts, and evil-eye bracelets, a symbol that is believed to protect one from negative energy. The students got together before the event to do the bracelets.

BTF Youth Meeting at Chicago Downtown on November 14

“The meeting before and the Fair itself went excellent for our fund, and I can not wait to do one more like this where we as a community can help others,” says Nehir, one of the BTF Youth members. This meeting made all the members feel like a community that shares the same goal: helping others.

Overall, Youth raised around 400 dollars at the fair. The donations will be going to Science4Kits, one of the kits BTF provides. The board of directors of BTF said that they appreciate the hard work that effort that the Youth group has shown for this fundraiser.

BTF Youth at the Chicago Children's Business Fair

The money was used to send a BTF science set to a small elementary school called Başaklı Mahallesi in Hakkari.

“Education is not a want but a need. We thank the BTF family for helping us provide that necessity to our students. It is a joy to be in this family (BTF) now. Thank you for putting a smile on our students’ faces,” says Sinem Ayırtır, one of the teachers at Başaklı Mahallesi.

Sinem Ayirtir and her students

As a community, BTF Youth will always strive to help other Turkish students who are in need, and we are so grateful to have to opportunity to support them through their education.

Bridge to Türkiye Fund (BTF) is a US based, volunteer run, charitable non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions made to BTF are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by IRS. BTF’s tax identification number is 58 — 678580.

