Next Generation Turkish Kids

Vicdan Babaloglu Akyurek
Building Bridges
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2016

Proud of next generation Turkish kids who are contributing to the education of kids in their native country, Turkey. Eray is one of them and he already did a few fundraisers of his own to raise money for BTF’s Empowerment Scholarships Program.

Eray is only an 8th grader who was born in America. He ran the first time last year at BTF’s first Run/Walk event in NJ which was organized to raise funds for BTF’s Scholarships for Girls. He joined BTF again this past October for its 2nd annual Run at Teaneck Creek Conservancy and finished the race first.

Before the race his mother asked Eray why he wanted to join the fundraiser which was organized by BTF volunteers in NJ. Eray decided to write an essay about his meaningful decision:

“I am raising money for BTF because I believe that all children deserve the privilege of an education. I also believe that nobody should live or deserves to live in poverty or a malnourished condition. This generation of kids are the future, I am the part of the future generation. If we are deprived of knowledge we would not be able to make logical decisions or be able to maintain or function properly in society. A kid in Turkey with the proper education could go on to college and eventually cure cancer. But, if he never received the vital education when he was young, he would never go on to cure cancer and save millions of lives. You never know if that one kid will win the Nobel Peace Prize for inventing a new sources of renewable energy and save the Earth from pollution. If that one kid never received the proper education because you did not donate your money, he could live his entire life, you could live your entire life with the “what if I did donate..”. So make the right decision and donate to BTF, because if you do not, you could live your entire life with the “what if I did donate…” in the back of your mind. “

Kids like Eray give hope to people around them. These kids are the new generation, they are the future…

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