Transforming Power of Education…

Vicdan Babaloglu Akyurek
Building Bridges
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2018
Sending our love from Turkey…

Education transforms everything when it is available and delivered…Teachers are the most powerful agents of education. They are the ones who have the power to deliver knowledge, to give love and hope and to create change at schools…But if they are not empowered with the basic school supplies that they need they won’t be able to accomplish much…As Bridge to Turkiye volunteers and donors, we are trying to reach these teachers and their students in Turkey… Below is one of many teachers who wrote to us:

“Bridge to Turkiye Fund has been a great support for teachers like me who work in rural areas where everything is scarce or does not exist at all…It is important for me to inspire my students by teaching them a new word, reading about a new place/a new person every day…I wish to see them thrive just like their more fortunate peers. I want them to realize knowledge is power and education has the power to transform everything and everybody…

Some days I just want to see them come to school warm in their coats and boots and carrying their school bags and be happy… These are just basic necessities in a student’s life. However, in this part of the country where I work, they are luxury items for my students..When I first came to the school that I work now, I was so disappointed to see the empty shelves where there should be many books for kids to read and get excited to come to school. I heard from some of my friends who are also teachers that there is this organization called Bridge to Turkiye Fund which helped their students. So I wrote an e-mail to the organization. In a very short time, I was able to fill out a form and send a few photos of my school and students to get help for my school.. They immediately got back to me. In a week, my students received wonderful picture books and educational toys.

The following week, my students got new coats and boots. I am so grateful that there are people like Bridge to Turkiye volunteers and donors who make dreams come true…Our shelves are filled with books now and my students get excited to come to school and discover new worlds through their new books…”

We love our new coats:-)

Above teacher is one of many teachers that we sent gifts with the help of our donors..Bridge to Turkiye Fund Circle leaders and volunteers all over The United States are writing to the teachers in Turkey and with the help of our providers in Turkey, school supplies, boots, coats, books, dictionaries, educational toys, science sets, art supplies, school bags are being shipped to the schools in rural areas in a few days… The teachers send us photos and kids draw pictures, write thank you notes.. We share these photos with our donors. Every photo sends a powerful message in terms of why we need to do more for education and more for kids…

Since the beginning of September, we sent 580 coats and 606 boots, 12 sets of books and 10 sets of educational toys, 200 school bags, 150 dictionaries to different schools in Turkey.

We are grateful and thankful for the support that our donors have provided us to transform the lives of students and their teachers through the power of education…

