Turkish-Kids-4-Syrian-Kids — Profiling Yasemin Zeynep Balı

Emin Pamucak
Building Bridges
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2015
Innocent victims of the war, Syrian children are not only traumatized, but are also deprived of the academic, emotional and social benefits of education. These children pictured at a Syrian refugee camp in Turkey are the lucky few… Roughly 600,000 Syrian children in Turkey do not attend school.

Children are paying the heaviest price in the Syrian conflict…

Realizing this tragedy, Yasemin Zeynep Balı, a 6th grader at Martin GT Magnet Middle School in Raleigh, NC decided to help in her own way…

Zeynep Balı working on her fundraising project for Syrian Refugee Children

Recently Zeynep sent the below letter to us at Bridge to Türkiye along with a check to support BTF’s Syrian Children project. Zeynep’s contributions raised with her Christmas craft project will provide 15 School Bags filled with education supplies to the Syrian Refugee Children in Turkish Schools. Zeynep has also previously supported our project for the Children of Soma

Zeynep, you are a true inspiration to all of us at BTF. Thank you for your kindness and support. İyiki Varsın!

Dear BTF, When I heard about the Syrian kids I was very devastated like what happened to the Soma kids last year. I heard this news from my parents. If it wasn’t for them I would have not known about the Syrian kids. To help them I sold Christmas ornaments at the Buy-Local event at the Turkish House. I chose to do Christmas ornaments because it was the month of Christmas and I thought it would bring Christmas spirit to the people around me. I also was thinking about forming a club with my Turkish friends who want to help. I really want to do this for all the kids or for any living being who needs help in life. I want to make people around the world believe that fighting is not the strategy to live in this type of world because time passes by when people are having fun in their lives. I want to do this for those Syrian kids who do not have a home or do not know how to read and write. This is my story about how I started to help the Syrian kids by selling Christmas ornaments.
Yours Truly, Yasemin Z. Balı :)

Sharing the joy…
Zeynep’s Fruits of Labor

For more infromation please visit: www.bridgetoturkiye.org

