Common Sense Media & Circle

Working together to help families everywhere.



Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. With our shared passion for families, Circle is thrilled to join with Common Sense to make sense of the Internet for both parents and kids.

Circle families can find helpful recommendations from the Common Sense Media library of age-based ratings and reviews. These guidelines are independent, kid-focused, and unbiased — exactly what a Circle parent wants when making decisions about their family’s online time.

Look out for great conversations on Circle’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, based on Common Sense Media insights. You’ll see articles, reviews, and other content from Common Sense that relate to tried-and-true Circle features.

With Common Sense and Circle working together, your family will be more prepared for online life than ever. Find handy articles, videos, discussion topics, and helpful links from Common Sense Media all in one place on our website.

Looking for fun family apps and games with ratings or more information on tech diets? Circle will be mining Common Sense Media’s library of recommendations and surfacing the best stuff for your family!

Parents and kids will all benefit from Common Sense Media’s work to engage with media and technology to help kids thrive. Parents will love the objectivity of Common Sense ratings alongside Circle’s awesome features and connections. Families will appreciate all the great platforms that are at their fingertips, thanks to Circle and Common Sense for surfacing quality content.

© Common Sense Media Inc. Common Sense and Common Sense Media are registered trademarks, and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.



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Circle is the easiest way to manage all your family’s connected devices — wherever they are, wherever they go.