What I Learn In LinkedIn


  • That a professional is, to borrow a phrase from William Gaddis, nothing but the dregs of his work.
  • That I shall quell romantic notions and learn to demarcate between my professional and personal self.
  • That my work shall always be an artifact to be churned, polished and referenced, albeit without proper context, to keep the grist mills of thought leadership running.
  • That increasing my “Profile views” is the secret key to unlock my career success.
  • That I can keep in touch with my network through pleasantries reserved for the humdrum rituals of the working life — job anniversary, new job, and, oh yes, new profile photo.
  • That the reach of my network shall always eclipse the context of my professional relationships.
  • That Endorsements are cute euphemisms for “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.
  • That I have to write about what I know in order to be known for what I know.
  • That I have to write often and offload thoughts out there with the full faith that commenters will help me craft my next big idea.
  • That publishing articles with catchy headlines such as “<Insert your favorite number> ways to be a <Insert your field of expertise> Ninja” will strengthen my reputation and grow my reach to engage with the largest group of professionals ever assembled.

Originally published at www.linkedin.com.



Venky Ramachandran
Building context and crafting narratives

I play with stories to design products better | I tell stories to help clients grope “Digital Transformation”