The Beginnings.

Sam Jackson
Building Ecologi
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2021

At its heart, Ecologi is a subscription service for the planet.

We provide a vehicle to gather up the world’s pocket change and direct it towards the climate solutions that will ultimately turn the Titanic around.

Whilst our platform itself provides a beautiful impact profile for subscribers to visualise the climate impact of their contributions, the intricate behind-the-scenes elements which give substance to this impact are a little harder to display on the platform.

Simply put, a great deal of work goes into finding and funding the world’s most effective climate solutions.

What follows, in this series, is a journey through our workings-out: with some insight and open commentary into the complex machinery that goes into deciding where Ecologi’s subscription revenue goes.

Over the coming months, we’ll explore the multifaceted challenges that arise when building a subscription service to restore the planet. Our aim is to discuss these challenges in an open forum, explaining our thoughts and positions, and the factors that came into play along the way. In parallel, we’ll also discuss the ethical tightrope of growing a business like ours, and the great challenges that arise, building something like this.

We’ll take a look at climate science, risk management, carbon finance, cutting-edge technology, science communication and more, and along the way we’ll try to understand and cope with the personal climate anxiety — and ultimately, I think, climate grief — that binds us to our purpose.

Working in climate is extremely challenging. Every single day, each of us is exposed to the reality of our warming climate. Each tiny task that makes up our working days takes place within that very gloomy landscape.

But I believe that it is not yet too late to heal the climate. And I believe that those who say that it is, and that it’s “too late to do anything” about all of this are, simply, mistaken. To those, I say that whilst some amount of warming is already here, there is no fraction of a degree of warming that it isn’t worth fighting to avert.

With all that we now know about the suffering each of those tiny increments on the thermometer will cause, it behoves each of us to throw our hearts and souls at stabilising the climate. It behoves us to do so collectively, and in the spirit of constructive collaboration. And it behoves us, here at Ecologi, to make sure we have built something that will stretch every single subscriber contribution to have the greatest climate impact it can.

That’s what climate impact at Ecologi is all about.

It is extremely human, I think, to look upon the greatest challenge in the history of humanity — which, day-to-day, often feels likely to doom us all — and to roll up your sleeves and say, “Right. Let’s get to work fixing this.”

Though so much has already been lost, the day has not yet arrived where all hope is extinguished. That day will only come when we collectively give up any hope that tomorrow’s outlook could be better than today’s.

Our team with a dream is absolutely not giving up; we are just getting started.

This series will tell you how we’re going to do it.



Sam Jackson
Building Ecologi

Climate Impact & Partnerships Manager at Ecologi.