Better children for a better world.

Barbara Minerva Vogelgesa
Building Family
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Everyone talks about leaving a better planet for our children…Why doesn’t anyone try to leave better children for our planet?

A friend of mine recently had this on his Facebook page and I couldn’t help thinking that was exactly what I was trying to do as I raise my children. I never “child-proofed” the house, I “house-proofed” the children. I taught them to value other people, to be gentle, to be respectful and polite. I never had a problem finding friends willing to watch my children. I think it was because I instilled in my kids respect for other people, other creatures and their space.

When my husband and I were traveling with circuses we obviously had to take our four children along. (See some of my other articles for more on that.) We didn’t stress when we had to take them to a restaurant because we taught them to sit quietly at the table at home. Backstage they knew not to touch other people’s props or costumes. They had their toys and didn’t need to grab others things. Honestly, there were times that sitting still and doing what they were told could have been a matter of life and death. Wild animals, strangers, and huge equipment were a daily part of their lives.

Basic manners were an important part of all four of the children’s upbringing. We started teaching manners at home so when we went out, the children were equipped. I had a fun little game where whoever placed their napkin on their lap last had to sing a song. Sometimes Jim and I were the ones singing. Little things like placing your utensils on your plate when you were finished may seem unimportant but if you teach your child the little things, the big things will take care of themselves.

We all sit at the table together and don’t leave until everyone is finished dinner. We often have a lively conversation so no-one is quick to move away from the table. When the older kids were about 5 or 6 years old we had a family stay with us for the weekend. They had 2 children approximately the same age as ours. They were very spirited kids and the parents seemed rather intimidated by them. It was an exhausting day observing these friends try to cajole their children into cooperation. When it was time for dinner, I must admit, I was looking forward to the conversation around the table and a pleasant time. It was madness. One child was standing on the chair while the mom begged him to try to eat. The other boy ran laps around our dining room and the dad shoved a spoonful of food at him each time the child went by. I was aghast. My children sat there looking horrified. My husband whispered in my ear with a chuckle, “And you’re worried about napkins on our laps.”

You are probably thinking I am a crazy, control freak. So what’s my point? If you teach your children to behave as respectful people at home when they are young then you, and everyone around them will be so much happier. This is just a place to start. As your children grow expand their world. Don’t be afraid to expose them to new people and ideas. Give them diverse experiences. Walk beside them as they try serving others. Don’t be afraid to say no to your child. Make them work for what they want. Reward them for good behavior and let them live through the consequences that come with all choices…good and bad. You will be giving the world a gift…. Better people who will make this world a better place.

