Introducing full Bitbucket Support to Git2Go

Tim Herbig
Building Git2Go
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2015
Git2Go loves Bitbucket

When the work on Git2Go began, it was clear for us that it should support more services than ‘just’ GitHub. We had Bitbucket and also Gitlab on our Roadmap right from the start, but also wanted to release our 1.0 version as soon as possible.

That’s why it was no surprise to us that the no. 1 feature request post-launch was support for Bitbucket repositories. While we wanted to do release some necessary homework and obvious iOS 9/iPhone 6S support in 1.1, it was time to finally unveil our Bitbucket integration in 1.2.

So, with today’s release of our latest update, you can connect your Bitbucket accounts with just a couple of taps to Git2Go and access or edit your repositories from everywhere.

Working with private repositores requires our ‘GitHub & Bitbucket Private’ IAP, which is also even more accessible than before in the settings. If you’ve already paid for the IAP, you’re already set.

Besides support for Bitbucket, Git2Go 1.2 also brings those neat features and fixes to you:

  • Searchable repository list! When even your iPad Pro screen is not large enough to display all your repositories, it’s time to introduce a search to get you even faster to the place you want to clone.
  • Diffs and files simply are made for each other! That’s why you can now reach a file by simply tapping it’s name in the Diff view.
  • Avatars are now loaded via fancy HTTPS and TLS.
  • The detail view is not any longer empty just because of your switch to another repository.
  • Choosing your current branch shouldn’t result in an error, right? We thought so too and fixed this.
  • Nobody likes crashes. That’s why we taught the DiffView to behave accordingly when you want to view your glorious large diffs.

We hope you enjoy the update as much as we do and can’t wait to show you what’s cooking-up next. Make sure to grab the update for free and spread the word — We love to hear from you!

We’re Piet & Tim from Hamburg, Germany. We set out to accelerate mobile Git productivity by building a first class Git client for your iOS device called Git2Go.

Be part of our journey by following this publication or say hi on Twitter!



Tim Herbig
Building Git2Go

Product Management Coach and Consultant. I‘m on a Mission to empower Product Teams to become the best version of themselves.