A year on from winning TechCrunch Disrupt

Building Jukedeck
Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2016

A year ago, we won TechCrunch Disrupt in London, launching our site — a site that lets video creators make unique music for their videos using AI — on stage.

Lots has happened since then. Here are some highlights:

  • People have made nearly 1 million tracks on our site (which makes Jukedeck MAKE one of the largest libraries of music in the world 🙂)
  • Tens of thousands of YouTube videos have used our music, from cat videos to massive YouTube stars
  • Brands like Coca Cola have used Jukedeck for their music
  • We won a Cannes Innovation Lion
  • We’ve stepped up our R&D efforts, recently announcing that we’ve created the first song composed and produced entirely by neural networks

It’s great to be back on stage at Disrupt. To mark the occasion, we made a video that pays tribute to tech pioneers everywhere. Enjoy! 🙂

