Teach Me X At Kooth

Sahr Acton
Building Kooth
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2023

Embracing the Teach Me X Initiative at Kooth:Merging Mental Health and Technology

Hello, my name is Sahr, a Software Engineer. Welcome to the world of Kooth, where technology meets mental health expertise. My journey to Kooth was a significant step, aligning perfectly with my professional aspirations and offering a clear, meaningful direction for my career.

Why Kooth? The organisation stands out for its deep commitment to mental health, a commitment that’s at the core of their operations. Here, mental well-being is not just a theoretical concept; it’s an integral part of the day-to-day functioning, as vital as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Kooth’s Core Values

At Kooth, our values, shaped by our community and employees, are central to everything we do:

Alongside you: We are alongside you, warm, welcoming, and companionable.
Flexible: We offer choice because you are in control of what you need.
Compassionate: We don’t judge. We listen, counsel, and support.
Committed: No matter what support you need, we’re here to help.
Safe: We are a safe space for users and are serious about safeguarding.

My Professional Journey

Prior to Kooth, I was part of the 5G Innovation Centre at Guildford. This experience honed my understanding of the transformative power of technology, especially in healthcare. It sparked my interest in applying technological solutions to healthcare challenges.

Coding for Good

The ethos of ‘coding for good’ at Kooth was a significant draw for me. It’s a genuine commitment to using technology for positive change, resonating with my belief in the power of technological innovation for societal betterment.

Inspiration from St Andrews University

My motivation for introducing the Teach Me X initiative stemmed from my time at St Andrews, where the collaborative learning environment was truly inspiring. Witnessing budding engineers eagerly exchanging knowledge and skills, honing each other week by week, left an indelible mark on me. It was a testament to the power of collective growth and shared expertise. This experience influenced my enthusiasm for Teach Me X at Kooth, a platform that embodies shared knowledge and innovative thinking.

Impact of Teach Me X at Kooth

The Teach Me platform has become a valuable space for engineers to learn and share knowledge, both from within and outside the organisation. It’s heartening to see how Teach Me X facilitates opportunities for our engineers to meet and engage with colleagues they might not have interacted with before. This cross-pollination of ideas and experiences has enriched our work culture, fostering a deeper sense of community and collaboration.

Teach Me X offers a dynamic and engaging environment where creativity, knowledge, and practical application converge. Every two to four weeks someone from Product or Tech can present a topic that they are passionate about on a Tuesday lunch time. All sessions are recorded, for people who can’t make it on that day or time. It’s not just a learning platform but a hub for interaction, networking ,and personal growth.

Creating Our Own Learning Library

One of the most exciting aspects of Teach Me X is that it allows us to create our own learning library — a repository of knowledge that is continually enriched by the diverse expertise and discoveries of our team. This library is a living, breathing resource that grows with each session.

Some of the topics that have been covered on Teach Me X are:

React Query: Delving into efficient data fetching and state management in React applications, React Query equips developers with powerful tools to optimise user experiences.

Introduction to DNSSEC: In a digital landscape teeming with potential security threats, this session explored the fundamentals of DNSSEC, a critical technology in safeguarding the integrity of the Domain Name System.

Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture: Microservices are all the rage, but ensuring their reliability and scalability is no small feat. This session unravelled the strategies and best practices for testing these complex architectures.

Visual Studio Ninja: A deep dive into Visual Studio, the beloved integrated development environment (IDE). From its hidden shortcuts to advanced debugging techniques, this session turned attendees into true Visual Studio ninjas.

Intro to the World of Kubernetes: Kubernetes, the juggernaut of container orchestration, was demystified in this session. Participants embarked on a journey into the heart of Kubernetes, learning what it is, why it’s essential, and how it operates.

These sessions are just a taste of the diverse knowledge-sharing experience that Teach Me X offers. From cutting-edge tech topics to practical tools and methodologies, there’s always something exciting happening at Teach Me X!

Join Our Community at Kooth

At Kooth, we’re more than a company; we’re a collective of forward-thinking individuals committed to making a difference. Teach Me X is a testament to this, providing a space for exploration and innovation.

If you are a budding future Koother, you might like to know that we’re currently hiring in the UK for Senior Engineers. Join us in our mission to enhance mental well-being and leverage technology for the greater good. We eagerly anticipate welcoming you to our next Teach Me X session, where learning, innovation, and collaboration come together in a vibrant community setting.

