A Meme POV on Email Mistakes

Aquibur Rahman
Building Mailmodo
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2023

Email mistakes can send a chill down any marketer’s spine. They are embarrassing, make your brand look unprofessional, and don’t bring you the desired results. These mistakes escape the most detail-oriented eyes, and we only realize them once it’s too late.

While it is tough to keep a tab on the various kinds of email mistakes, there are a few basic ones that marketers must pay keen attention to, in order to avoid them.

Let’s take a look at some common email mistakes that can cost you $$$ and how you can fix ‘em, ft. your favorite memes!

1. The one without the links

2. The one with small buttons

3. The one with heavy images

4. The one where the fallback setup is incomplete

5. The one without email-safe fonts

6. The one with only images

7. The one without the Alt text

8. The one that gets clipped

These memes are surely a lot of fun, but you can only imagine the horror a marketer faces when these mistakes end up creating a bad experience for the user.

Read more about email mistakes, how they can affect you as a brand, and how you can avoid them here.

