How (and why) we built 50+ email automation frameworks and distributed them for free.

Sabahet Amjad
Building Mailmodo
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2022

Since January 2022, I have been working at Mailmodo, and daily, we spend hours making email marketing simple and more interactive for marketers and founders alike.

During this journey, we realized that many of us struggle to find the right email flow sequences to automate.

The most common questions that we face are -

🔴 At what stage of the user journey should we send automated emails?
🔴 What should be the ideal time gap between two emails?
🔴 What user behavior/info should we use while automating emails?

Plus, there are no standard best practices! Every organization follows what works for them (and that’s great), but it takes many experiments to find out what will work. So, we decided to fix this knowledge and strategy gap. For this,

We zeroed in on the industries that could most benefit from email flows — SaaS, eCommerce, Real estate, Fintech, and Edtech.

Spoke to 100+ experts and learned what email sequence gets them the best result

We also connected with various brands like Product Fruits and Fynd, and shared our ideas.

Finally, after months of calls, research, and rework, our passion project — Email Flows — is out.

Today we have launched this on Product Hunt. Do show us support and find what the marketing community is saying about this —

We have tried to make this resource accessible and easy to use. To start using this -
🟢 Identify the flows relevant to your industry
🟢 Tweak the flows of that industry to suit your target group and specific use-case
🟢 Implement the flows and supercharge user engagement and retention

While using this resource, if you face any issues or have any feedback, please feel free to comment below. If you have any issues with setting up automation or collecting events from your website for email marketing, email me at, and I will help you figure it out.

Lastly, I hope you derive as much value and learnings from this as we did while creating this resource!



Sabahet Amjad
Building Mailmodo

I write about emails, content, product marketing for a living. In my free time, I make up silly jokes and laugh like an idiot.