Product Discovery 101: How to build shit people would kill for.

Cliff des Ligneris
Building Products with Value
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Talk @ TamediaTX, 25.06.2019 15:35 by Cliff des Ligneris

Have you ever looked for a framework to apply to your product discovery? How do you systematically find out what to build next? If it has value? If users actually would love it? Look no further. Here comes the silver bullet.

Kidding. This will not solve all your problems, but put you on a good track. Let me guide you through my thinking, my framework.

Why this talk

I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding what PMs do and how they bring value to the table. Besides occasionally being confused as the project manager and developer-babysitter, writing tickets and doing acceptance, there is actually some “picking what to work on” to be done. Sounds easy. It’s not.

Over the years I realised that PMs (incl. myself) and teams don’t have good mental models of “discovery”; The process of finding out what to build next. From my experience I gathered all the things I know, listed a few requirements and started to build my own meta-framework out of the many good things out there. Here is what it is. Maybe it can help other PMs leapfrog their product discovery. Maybe it will just spark a discussion to improve my own flow. Good outcomes. Please share your feedback.


Airtable worksheet to copy



Cliff des Ligneris
Building Products with Value

Lead Product Manager at GetYourGuide Ticketing. Will code for fun, not for food. #product #learn #simple