Release Notes

🎉 Sketchpacks for macOS v0.5.3

Manage & Auto-Update Sketch plugins from your menu bar

Adam Kirkwood
Building Sketchpacks
1 min readMar 30, 2017


🚀 What’s new

  • You can now enable Launch on startup for Sketchpacks.

👍🏽 What’s improved

  • Sketchpacks’ window will now open automatically after launching, making it more obvious.

🐛 What’s fixed

  • Fixed window positioning for Bartender 2 users

👉🏼 Are you a plugin author?

Serving your versioned plugin releases automatically in 15 seconds.

Start by installing the Sketchpacks Relay Github Integration and choose which plugins you will register with the Sketchpacks Registry and we’ll take care of the rest.

Sketchpacks Relay will serve your semantically versioned releases from your Github. No extra CLIs or commands — keeping your standard Github Releases workflow in tact.

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Adam Kirkwood
Building Sketchpacks

Designing for a better human experience @FacebookDesign. Creator of