“ I guess I could say that not only do I love learning, but I love sharing knowledge.” — CubeTheThird’s Slant on Slant

Eric Turner 🖍
Building Slant.co
Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2018

A gentleman and a scholar, CubeTheThird happily shares his endless knowledge across the internet. Recently dabbling in Twitch streaming, watching Cube play Hollow Knight reveals a lot about him. Infinitely curious and a divergent thinker, Cube’s way of thinking is something to behold.

Photo courtesy of Cube

So, question #1, as always: if you were the answer to a Slant style “what are the best” question, what would the question be?

What’s the best <overly generic thing> for <oddly specific use-case>? Haha.

I need to find a new first question now. 😂 What’s your Top Pro as a person?

Probably my perspective. I always like to try approaching things from a point of view that some may miss or otherwise not consider.

That’s interesting. Do you have an example of that? Do you think that you think differently than other people?

For a school project, I once tasked myself to build a game engine (which in hindsight was a terrible idea). Part of the way the physics worked for the game concept involved flipping the player around in levels. I found it was easier to flip the entire level rather than the player, and built it that way. I would say ya, I do think differently than other people (in my opinion anyways).

Where do you think you picked that up? Or have you always been that way?

Growing up, I never liked the idea of being like someone else. I suspect this drove me to come up with my own solutions to problems rather than try to imitate.

Fair play. Has that affected your personal decisions? Are you drawn to independence?

Haha. I very much am. Not to say that I always like being independent, but it can certainly impact how I do things. That being said, I try my best to acknowledge what my capabilities are, and to draw a line when I know relying on others is likely to be best.

There’s always that fine line to balance. I’m very much the same way. You’re in college now, right?

I’m in the process of completing my graduate degree at this time, yes.

What’re you studying?

My degree is in a cross between Math and Computer Science. My research lies in 3D imagery.

Interesting. 3D imagery like Google Earth?

I suppose it can relate to that. It relates a bit more to things like 3D movies.

How’d you get into that?

A few factors came into play there. First was that (and this is by my peer’s recommendations) to choose a topic that I wasn’t passionate about, but still had interest in. Heavy research into a single topic can kill that passion. Second, one of my courses in school was specifically for image processing, and I found it not only very interesting, but I excelled in it, so I figured it would be a good fit. Lastly, I got into 3D specifically because of things like my Nintendo 3DS (haha) since I wanted to better understand how it works.

Do you think research has made you passionate about it?

Yes and no. I definitely grew more and more fascinated by the topics of research, and it has driven me to learn more. Sadly though, as expected, it has also left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I love learning, and that will never change, but when that process is very structured, and at times restricting, it becomes tedious and exhausting over time.

That’s understandable. What are you passionate about?

That’s a hard one to pin down for me. I guess I could say that not only do I love learning, but I love sharing knowledge. It doesn’t even have to be something big, as I find the smallest things are often the ones that stick with people. I’ve generally had the mindset that if I can use what I know, and what I can do, and help others in some capacity, then I’m on the right track. That I would say is what ultimately drives me

That’s a truly admirable goal. What do you think are small things? And why do you think they stick with people?

To me a small thing is something that, in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t really matter, but can have an impact, even for just a moment. This would lead me to try making people laugh, make gifts, and help fix problems. From my experience this sticks with people because it’s the small things that people remember. If I told you the recipe for a dish I like, you might understand, but if I had instead given you a taste, I’m betting you’d probably remember that (not necessarily for good reasons haha).

Are you a people person?

Sometimes, though I’d probably fall more towards introverted. I like being around people, but I also like my space (going back to that independence stuff).

Do you think there’s any upside to being an introvert in social situations? I feel like introverted people tend to be more thoughtful.

Oh absolutely. I find it’s about balance. A group of extroverts is poised to become a larger group of extroverts, whereas a group of introverts is a oxymoron (hehe). I do admit there are times where social situations leave me feeling out of place and awkward, but finding a way to get involved or contribute really helps. Thoughtfulness has its benefits.

Is there any where you think introversion hurts?

Yes, in 2 places if I sum it up. First, I’d say that it hurts myself. Sometimes it takes an extra push to get me involved in things, or wanting to out and do things with people. Secondly, I’d say it can give others the wrong impressions at times. Having some close friends who are quite extroverted, it can be difficult not to come off as rude or selfish when I’m not interested, or opposed to partaking in some sort of social situation.

Do you have a list of canned excuses to not go out? Or are you more of a “I just don’t feel like it” person?

Usually I’ll just go with “I’m good”, but sometimes I’ll look for convenient schedule conflicts.

Fair. How often do you skip social events to play games?

Hmm, not as often as you’d think actually. Though really, I’d try encouraging people to socialize with me by playing games instead. Try to compromise

That’s next level. What have you been playing recently?

Oh boy. Here we go. For a while I’d been playing Hollow Knight, since it had new achievements I wanted to get. I kind of put that aside, since my attention reverted to Minecraft (kind of my go-to). I’ve also started testing out some games through Steam Play (did I mention I’m a massive Linux geek?), seeing which ones now work properly. As for more social ones, I’ve played a bit of Overcooked (and 2), tons of fun there, as well as some Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime.

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime?

Haha, a bit of an oddity there. A 1–4 player game where you all drive this single spaceship, each player controlling some aspect (guns, movement, etc), and try to rescue these cute little creatures caged in places in space.

Sounds sweet. And why haven’t you been streaming? 😤


Well I was streaming for a while with Hollow Knight since I was exploring new things, and there was overall a lot of variety. I stopped once it became very grindy. The last parts of the game I wanted to tackle surmounted to trying to beat bosses over and over again, and I didn’t feel it was the type of content that was interesting enough to have viewers partake. While I’m currently doing Minecraft, I’m working on a personal project which, if all goes to plan, I’ll be able to make a YouTube video out of instead. :p

Well, I can’t wait to see it. I think I’m about out of questions, but I promised I’d ask about Canada, so…. How’s the weather up there?

It’s cold. What’d you expect?

