Introducing Communities on Slant

Stuart Kearney
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2015

G’day everyone,

I’m really excited to show off what the Slant team have been working on over the last few weeks.

Our goal for Slant is to help people choose anything from a blender to a javascript framework. We’re already helping hundreds of thousands of people a month, but we have a long way to go to fully achieve our vision.

As a step forward we’re launching a new feature called ‘Communities’ — they’re similar to subreddits on Reddit, and act as a home for a particular community on Slant.

Check out our first two Communities, Development and Gaming, or keep reading for a quick tour.

Home page

The homepage has a small change to highlight the current communities on Slant. New communities will be added as their respective tags get more popular. For example, if you’d like to help headphones be a Community on Slant, get active in that tag and it’s likely to get upgraded into a Community.

The community page

This page is designed to be the perfect home for a Community on Slant. You can browse questions the Community has featured for being high quality, as well as see questions that are trending, unanswered or in need of some more improvement.

The Communities can also be filtered by tag. So if you want to find only front-end development tools or just Android games without other questions getting in the way, you can.

Featured Page

In my opinion the coolest part of the Communities are the featured pages. Check out the one for Development or the one for Gaming.

We’re really excited to keep adding features to make being part of the Slant community more awesome, so please have a look around the new Communities and email me at if you have any feedback or new ideas

Thanks again for contributing to Slant :)


