Best GPTs for Growth and Marketing: Techniques and Examples

Imagine your marketing campaign is like that trusty old pair of jeans you can’t let go of. Comfortable? Absolutely. Exciting? Maybe not so much. Today, let’s add a bit of spice to that reliable denim with some AI flair and insights from two wizards of growth and marketing. Buckle up as we dive into a detailed chat.

I have this unique method, which I’ve taken to calling the ‘DAFT’ framework — no, not because i’m a Daft Punk fan, but because it’s Define, Assign, Format, Tune — a recipe for prompt perfection.

The DAFT Framework: My Secret Sauce for Prompt Mastery

  • Define: Like setting the stage for a Broadway show, you give ChatGPT the role of a lifetime. “You’re the Shakespeare of Copywriting,” I say. And it delivers soliloquies that would make (the) Bard himself take notes.
Example: If the task is to create an engaging social media campaign for a fitness brand, defining the role of the agent might involve highlighting their expertise in digital marketing, social media strategy, and fitness industry trends.
  • Assign: This is where you become the maestro, orchestrating every move. “Compose a symphony of words,” you command, and ChatGPT becomes your Beethoven, creating masterpieces in the key of Conversion Major.
Example: For a content writer tasked with creating a blog post about sustainable living, the assignment might include details about the target audience (eco-conscious millennials), the main topics to cover (reducing waste, eco-friendly products), and the desired tone (informative and motivational).
  • Format: You’re not just throwing paint on a canvas; You’re creating the Mona Lisa of marketing. The format is your frame, and ChatGPT fills it with vibrant hues of compelling content.
Example: If the agent is asked to create a PowerPoint presentation on market trends, formatting the output would involve organizing slides with clear headings, concise bullet points, relevant graphs, and visual elements that support the information being presented.
  • Tune: Even Beethoven had to edit. You take the raw melody and fine-tune it until it’s a concerto that resonates with your audience’s innermost desires.
Imagine the agent has created a promotional video for a new luxury skincare line targeting an audience seeking premium, natural beauty products. Tuning the output would involve reviewing the video script to ensure that the narration reflects the sophistication and the tone of the brand.

Five Top Tips to Master the Art of Prompting

  1. Context is King: The sharper your context, the clearer your results. Don’t be afraid to dive deep => don’t be afraid to use long prompts anymore.
  2. Examples are Gold: The more you give, the more you get. It’s like investing in Bitcoin, but with better odds => document what you expect.
  3. Rationale is the Rosetta Stone: Understanding ‘why’ is like finding the secret sauce recipe. Priceless => ask to use “CoT” (Chain of Thoughts) method.
  4. Critique Like Gordon Ramsay: If the prompt’s undercooked, throw it back. Be ruthless in your pursuit of perfection.
  5. Groom Your ‘Product Variable’: Get this right, and you’re halfway to the Holy Grail.

GPT Explained: My Creative AD (Artistic Director)

“Imagine you’re the Don Draper of digital — craft an award-winning campaign for my product, using the 4C’s formula and the value proposition canvas. No jargon, just jaw-dropping creativity.”

  • The Don Draper Parallel

By likening the GPT agent to Don Draper, the quintessential creative genius from “Mad Men,” the agent is personified with a reputation for exceptional creativity and effectiveness in advertising. This sets a high standard for the quality and creativity of the content it’s expected to produce.

  • Expertise in Established Frameworks

The reference to the “4C’s formula” and the “value proposition canvas” implies the agent’s proficiency with well-regarded marketing frameworks. This suggests that the agent can produce content that is not only creative but also strategically grounded.

  • Focus on Impactful Communication

By instructing the agent to avoid jargon and focus on “jaw-dropping creativity,” the prompt encourages the creation of clear, compelling, and memorable campaigns. This prioritizes impact and user engagement over technical lingo, which can often alienate the target audience.

  • Encouragement of Originality

The agent is urged to step beyond the ordinary and propose ideas that are original and award-worthy. This pushes the boundaries of conventional AI outputs, fostering innovation and novel concepts.

  • Versatility and Adaptability

The agent is expected to understand and adapt the value proposition of any given product into a campaign that resonates with the target audience. This level of adaptability showcases the agent’s potential to handle diverse marketing challenges.

  • Emphasis on Storytelling

The prompt indirectly stresses the importance of storytelling, a powerful tool in marketing. By crafting a narrative around the product, the agent is anticipated to create more than just advertisements; it is expected to create experiences.

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Guillaume Dumortier
Bright AIdeas: Building Stuff with AI

Creative Technologist, Growth Marketing Leader. Founder of Maestrix AI and GrowthConcierge.