Setting default config elements in Angular 6 w/ NX

Vijay Goel, MD
Building the Stack
Published in
1 min readJul 6, 2018

Was having some trouble with the schematics generator using nrwl’s NX in a monorepo, as my preferred defaults weren’t getting generated.

It’s performance-destroying to have to make sure you remember to set changeDetection to OnPush in every component if you’re using ngrx like I am (and forget). It’s also something I haven’t been able to figure out how to search for…the absence of a changeDetection strategy in a selector…would love a comment if you know how to do this (I’d imagine offhand you could lint this)

Here’s the issue that pointed me to the fix:

If you’re using NX, then the schematics configuration isn’t set by


Instead it’s set by


So I added the following to the bottom of my angular.json and now I’m getting the right auto-generated settings

//angular.json"cli": {  "warnings": {  "typescriptMismatch": false,  "versionMismatch": false},"defaultCollection": "@nrwl/schematics"},"defaultProject": "app1","schematics": {  "@nrwl/schematics:component": {  "styleext": "scss",  "spec": true,  "flat": true,  "changeDetection": "OnPush",  "prefix": "my-prefix"  }}



Vijay Goel, MD
Building the Stack

Improving operations via technology and structured thinking (current focus chefs and catering)