How to Build a Tiny Cabin On A Mountain In 27 Easy Steps (with photos)

Prerequisites: acquire a mountain to build it on, a tiny cabin design, and enough materials and tools to build it. You might also need a dog.

Isaac B Watson
Building Tiny
5 min readJan 11, 2015


Step 1: Take everything up to the mountain.

Step 2: Admire the view.

Step 3: Place the pier blocks in a grid and level the skids for the foundation.

Step 4: Let the dog help whenever possible.

Step 5: Cut the joists and prep for assembly.

Step 6: Admire the view again.

Step 7: Assemble the platform joists and frame.

Step 8: Take a nap.

Step 9: Lay the floor to square up the platform.

Step 10: Frame the walls! (You’ll need four of them. Be sure to leave space for a door and some windows.)

Step 11: Add top plates to lock the walls together.

Step 12: Frame the windows.

Step 13: Screw in the windows while smiling.

Step 14: Add siding to square up the walls and sheathe the exterior.

Step 15: Hang the joists for the loft and add some flooring on top of them.

Step 16: Load the trusses up onto the loft.

Step 17: Ham it up. This is critical.

Step 18: Toenail the trusses into place. Bonus points if you do this before the sun goes down.

Step 19: Convince yourselves that roof fairies added the sheathing magically overnight. (We don’t talk about the roof sheathing. Hint: it was dark and scary.)

Step 20: Frame the upper walls and hang the loft window.

Step 21: Figure out how the hell to cut the siding at the right angles for the upper walls.

Step 22: Realize that your neck is fried from the day before and wear a silly shirt hanging from your hat to protect it from the sun.

Step 23: Hang the door.

Step 24: Admire the view from the loft.

Step 25: Pat yourself on the back! You’re done! (Well, minus the roofing felt, shingles, caulking, trim, etc. That’s for the next trip.)

Step 26: Admire your handiwork from afar as you drive away with a boyish grin.

Step 27: Nurse your swollen, sunburnt, cracked, bleeding hands back to health for the next two weeks.

Ta-dah!! Wasn’t that easy? Now, let’s do it again.

Wanna know the full story?

The Hunt, Part 1: Dirt with a View: In which we decide to look for a piece of property that would be our rural retreat.

The Hunt, Part 2: Look No Further: In which we find the 12.5 acres of our dreams and buy it.

Designing Tiny: In which we design and plan to build a simple, tiny, 120 square foot cabin for our rural retreat.

Ready, Set, Build!: The full account of our first trip to build a tiny cabin, comprising four days of challenges, setbacks, successes, but most of all, adventure!

The Second Trip: Finishing What We Started: Our return to the cabin to tackle roofing, a stupid generator, and a few other items on our to-do list.

Sunsets, Fires, and Stars: Escaping the hubbub and making more progress painting, trimming, and more.



Isaac B Watson
Building Tiny

My Ambidextrous Brain wears lots of hats: design project manager, blogger, nonprofit founder, community organizer, etc. Never in the same order—always evolving.