Build over buy: Track your habits the way you want to

Technology is made for the masses, but what if we tailer it to you specifically?

Do you ever feel like you can’t keep up the good routines while the old ones creep in when you aren’t watching? There are plenty of applications out there to help you make sure you’re habits stick, but they just doesn’t seem to do it.

This is a classical example of technology trying to solve an issue which is not solveable by technologie alone. Sometimes, a machine learning algorithm doesn’t solve the worlds problems.

Build over buy

However, there are always multiple sides to a story. Even tough the technology might not solve the issue on its own, it can help you get started. To do so, its beneficial to have the technology fit to your personal needs. Because of this, we’ll be building a habit tracker that fits your (read my) specific needs.

This will be done over a multiple amount of stories, helping you get from start to finish. The stories aren’t written for the absolute beginner and will skip a step or two to speed things up. However, if you have basic understanding of React Native you should be able to follow along quiet easily.

I hope this publications helps you along in your development or gets you enthausiastic over building your own appplication. If so, i’d love to learn what worked for you and what didn’t. Feel free to leave a reaction under any of the stories, or find other ways of reaching out.

You can find part two of this series here where we will be setting up you’re local development environment.

