Life @ — London Underground

Product & Engineering
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Hi, my name is Chim and I’m proud to be a Talent Acquisition Partner at! Starting in 2020 as a Candidate Experience Specialist, I’ve been lucky enough to have a ton of exposure to everybody in the company and everybody who considers joining us :)

In my role people always ask me “What is it like to work at Tray in London?”

Well, working in the London office at Tray is awesome! The environment is extremely friendly, supportive and empowering. From the moment you walk in you’re met with a really refreshing, positive vibe starting with a friendly welcome from our wonderful office and facilities manager, Nell, to the warm buzz you feel just round the corner on the main floor where all the action happens. Each team is passionate about collaboration so there is a real sense of connection and companionship. You can always get a helping hand when in need from our leaders down to individual contributors.

Moving into full-time remote working was a significant adjustment, but one I believe we have managed really well!

In regards to how we get work done, not much changed, as the flexibility and capability to work from home was already embedded into how we worked prior to COVID-19. Although we have moved to a virtual workspace, we take time to get together for quiz nights, bingo, etc., as well as keep up with our teams via Slack and Zoom. Tray’s Leadership and People team do a great job keeping us informed with updates both individually and collectively in our all hands meetings which take place bi-monthly.

So how are we keeping our culture intact? The fact is, culture has always been a product of the company values we all stand by, which are: being curious, an active solution seeker, empathetic & service driven, and clear and honest.

