’s Secret Superheroes: Sheree, Product Manager

Product & Engineering
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2020

Q&A with Sheree, Product Manager

What makes someone successful on your team?

Upholding Tray’s values will set you up for success as a Product Manager. These are: being clear and honest; curious; empathetic and service-driven, an active solution seeker, and the life of the party! Given that Tray is such a flexible and powerful product, the possible ideas for new features are endless. Having a well-defined problem, along with ruthless prioritisation, will ensure you are building what’s right for our users.

What is the biggest problem your team is solving?

Decreasing the time to value for our users. Tray is a low-code product, giving users the ability to power complex integrations without needing to know how to code. However, for less technical users, creating workflows can still seem like a daunting process. We are working on a number of initiatives to make workflow building a seamless experience for less technical users, whilst keeping the core Tray concepts that our technical users know and love.

How do you collaborate with other teams in the organization?

Communication and a joint vision to succeed. As a PM, building relationships throughout the company is the key to success. In London, where our product and engineering teams are based, we work in cross-functional squads and hold regular feature kick-offs and brainstorms alongside our scrum ceremonies to ensure that all areas of the team are involved from the beginning of any initiative. With our good friends over the pond in San Francisco, we hold regular conference calls to discuss marketing strategies, give demos and enablement sessions, discuss customer feedback and generally catch up!

