Commerce on Universe

We’re building the easiest way to sell something, and we’re inviting you to come along for the ride.

Joseph Cohen
Building Universe
2 min readJan 8, 2018


Our #1 request is the ability to sell things on Universe sites. This excites us enormously. Our goal is to empower creators, and if we can help create successful income streams, creators will be able to continue doing what they love.

Commerce isn’t a trivial problem to solve—especially the Universe way. Selling something with Universe should be the easiest way to sell something. Period. Just like we distilled the process of making a website into a 60 second magical experience, we’re going to do the same for selling a thing online.

But this is a hard technical and design problem. And because of its scope, we’re going to build this iteratively, piece by piece. With you all.

Today, we’re starting to accept beta sign ups. In the app, we’ve added a “Sell Product” option. Tap that to enter your email address for early access. We’ll share something with you as soon as we can.

More to come.

