What’s with the re-brand?

Here at Worldview we’ve changed our name and got a new look to boot.

Richard Shannon
Worldview Exchange
2 min readMay 2, 2018


The name

We arrived at Worldview Exchange as a name because it better captures our mission and the value we’re aiming to create.

While our initial focus remains enabling individuals to express, capture and reflect on their views, values and beliefs in private, we also recognise the immense value created when individuals choose to share their worldview.

So the act of sharing and exchanging is now up in lights.

The logo

We didn’t have a logo and so turned again to what would make sense in terms of the value we’re ultimately creating.

See, as individuals engage with the world around them through the news, their views, values and beliefs assembled together form what could be called their worldview.

So, to create further value we’ve set ourselves the challenge of visualising each individual’s worldview in the most intuitive way.

A worldview is an organic thing. It grows and evolves as we move through life. It even shifts everyday as we engage with new ideas, events and information.

To best visualise a worldview then, we opted for an analogy taken from nature. A tree.

Getting to the point where each individual’s worldview is visualised as an ever growing and evolving organism, like a modern day Tamagotchi, will take a great deal of cutting edge research. But we’re thrilled at the challenge.

In the meantime we’ve adopted a tree for our logo. Can you see it now? A trunk and branches, earth, roots and canopy?

For now the Worldview Exchange tree appears pixelated and lacking in fidelity. But as we see it, that just gives us room to improve!

Is the re-brand any good? Be in touch to let us know what you think, or if you’d like to have a crack at making it better.



Richard Shannon
Worldview Exchange

Agricultural advocate. Amateur ethicist. Recovering public servant. Former digital media entrepreneur.