Set Project’s Roles and Responsibilities

Marina Mishchenko
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2023

The success of any project depends on having clear roles and responsibilities. This is particularly true while working on a predetermined project with predetermined goals and objectives. To guarantee that the project is finished on time and within budget, the roles and duties of each team member should be clearly specified. Today , we’ll look at the many roles and responsibilities inside a particular project and how they affect its success.

Product Manager

A product manager is in charge of managing the creation and launch of a product as well as all future phases of its lifecycle. Their primary duty is to make sure the product satisfies the demands and expectations of the target market and accomplishes its commercial objectives.

Project Manager

The project manager is in charge of keeping an eye on the entire undertaking and making sure it is finished on schedule and within budget. Additionally, they are in charge of keeping stakeholders informed and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Delegating duties to team members and ensuring that they are carried out in accordance with the project plan are the responsibilities of the project manager.

Project Coordinator

The project coordinator assists the project manager with a variety of administrative duties, such as setting up meetings, communicating with team members, and making sure that project documentation is updated. They might also be in charge of keeping eye on the project’s development and reporting status updates to the project manager.

Business Analyst

The business analyst is in charge of comprehending the project’s aims and objectives and making sure they line up with the broader business strategy of the company. Additionally, they are in charge of compiling and interpreting stakeholder requirements into activities that the project team can actually carry out.


The developer is responsible for writing and testing code to meet the project’s technical needs. They could also be in charge of resolving and debugging problems that crop up while the project is being developed.

Analyst for quality assurance (QA)

The project is tested by the QA analyst to make sure it complies with the requirements and is free of bugs and other problems. Additionally, they might be in charge of drafting test plans and test cases and collaborating with the development team to resolve any arising problems.


The project’s user interface and user experience (UI/UX) are the designer’s responsibility. They could also be in charge of making design mockups and collaborating with the development team to guarantee that the finished product complies with the design requirements.


Stakeholders are people or organizations who are interested in the success of the project. Clients, consumers, users, investors, and other interested parties may be among them. Stakeholders are in charge of giving the project their input and making sure it satisfies their needs and expectations.

In conclusion, a team of people with well-defined defined roles and tasks is necessary for a successful set project. To ensure that the project is finished on schedule, within budget, and to the satisfaction of stakeholders, each team member plays a crucial role.

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