How to enhance Procore construction project management system with the Slack collaboration tool.

Max Karionov


Slack is a leading collaboration hub for work. It’s a place where everyone on your teams comes together to do construction projects more efficiently and faster.

All activities of construction projects in Slack can be organized by projects, teams, and channels that assemble project members around common topics such as tasks, quality, safety, documentation, etc. Slack provides real-time communications, data exchange and reduces chaos on the construction site. The simple and natural interface is clear to your subcontractors and foremen, it does not require training and it’s cost-efficient.

Slack doesn’t replace the tool you use for project management — but it does make it better. integration with Procore adds to Slack real construction focus and opens up wide opportunities for using information from a powerful construction project management system, such as:

Manage RFIs embedded in Slack allows creating new RFI in your Procore from within any Slack messages. The system can send notifications to Slack about RFI status changings or you can track your RFIs any time from Slack. This could be easy and useful for your subcontractors because they don’t need any apps and training, and at the same time automation can create RFI in the subcontractor’s system (for example in Plangrid or in Excel/Google spreadsheet), reducing of manual data duplication.

Manage Tasks

In the same way it works for tasks. You can create tasks in Procore right from any Slack messages and the person, who was assigned to the task will get the notification in Slack. Finally, subcontractors or foremen can easily resolve the tasks from within Slack typing just three words, for example, “Task #15 ready”. That will mark the task #15 in your Procore system to status “Ready for review”. You will be surprised at the simplicity of this solution.

Manage Punch list and observations.

Resolving punch list items or observations from within Slack is another powerful feature. Field managers can easily request the list of assigned items from Slack and move them to the “Ready for review” status in Procore, attaching images. It takes a couple of seconds without leaving Slack by a natural interface that everyone knows. They can discuss the resolution with the creator and get acceptance notification within Slack.

Daily log

Daily log is one of the most frequently used tools by superintendents or subcontractors. You can create #dailylog channel in Slack and ask your performers to send the log as a simple text message. app creates log in Procore right from the text messages, you fill out the required fields within Slack and the system will do the rest.

Getting analytics automation allows accessing graph analytic reports within Slack. By schedule or request project manager or top manager can get analytic diagrams with important indicators in Slack like the summary status of RFIs, summary safety observations, budget indicators, etc. Diagrams are embedded in Slack message body and can replace any dashboard tools by a simple Slack interface.

Events notification

You don’t miss important events or actions in your Procore system. informs you in Slack about the Hazard incident, dramatic field productivity reducing or other activities that are significant for you. Depending on what data you process in Procore we will pre-configure the most popular notifications for you and expand the capabilities if necessary.

To summarize Slack integration with Procore allows your project managers, foremen, and subcontractors keeping construction projects on track by access to the powerful Procore database. Using simple and clear Slack functionality you can fast get and send data into and out of Procore, discuss this information with team members, without emails, correspondence or meetings. You simply add the first-class Slack features to organize teamwork of construction projects.

