Thank You, Ben Hale

Joe Kutner
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2022

It’s the end of an era. Ben Hale, one of the co-founders of the Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB) project, has decided to step down from his role on the CNB Technical Oversight Committee (TOC). Before we thank Ben, we’ll let him say farewell to the project in his own words:

It’s a bittersweet day for me as I step down from the Cloud Native Buildpacks TOC. There’s never a good moment to step away from a project, but as I look around and realize that others are contributing far more than I am, the time feels right. I’m immensely proud of the work we’ve done over the years and am constantly amazed that we’ve taken something that started as an informal discussion over drinks to a healthy multi-vendor CNCF project on a great trajectory.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the CNB community for all their incredible hard work getting us to where we are today. Whether you’re a consumer, a contributor, a maintainer, or a TOC member, everyone has come with their best selves to make the project successful. I’d also like to specially thank my co-founders Joe Kutner, Terence Lee, and Stephen Levine for taking the chance and putting in the hard work to get the project off the ground.

I won’t ever be far away and if nothing else, you’ve all gained the biggest cheerleader you could possibly imagine. I will always believe in the leverage that Buildpacks bring to development teams and if KubeCon was any indication, the rest of the industry is starting to catch up. I can’t wait to see all of the great things in store for the project!


It’s sad for us to see Ben go because his leadership is a big part of what’s made the CNB project strong enough to continue without him. He’s helped mentor new maintainers, up-level his co-founders, and grow our community.

Ben’s role in the project goes so far beyond being a founder though. He’s worked on Buildpacks since before “containers” were even a thing most people knew about. He had the foresight to know that blending Buildpacks with the Docker ecosystem would create a vibrant and powerful technology, and he saw how building an open source community would help it grow.

Cheers Ben!



Joe Kutner

I’m an architect at who writes about software and related topics. I’m a co-founder of and the author of The Healthy Programmer.