Built Festival 2019

Here we go again

Mitch Daugherty
Built Oregon
3 min readSep 9, 2019


It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again, but the Built Festival is about a month away. And I could not be more excited about the Main Event. Well, and also the series of talks and discussions we are lining up throughout the week.

Built Festival 2019: More details + Registration info

When I look back, I recall that the Festival started out as this crazy idea to create an event that could eventually grow into a destination conference for consumer product innovation, opportunity, and community in Oregon. We had no idea that three years later we’d still be doing it because—let’s be honest—when you launch an event you literally just want to break even and survive year one. We also had no preconceived notion that growing it into something truly impactful would happen overnight

What we didn’t realize is how that first Festival in 2017 would shape who we are as an organization in 2019.

You see, the inaugural Festival was Built’s — sort of — announcement around our mission to become an organization that could be he hub of consumer products for founders in Oregon, providing support and connections to the resources they needed to keep moving forward. We also believed that Built could evolve into being a voice for Oregon brands in the global economy, growing the Oregon consumer brand around the world.

The 2017 event helped us to create relationships and start conversations with founders and industry leaders throughout Oregon. And every year since, we have strived to continue listening to the community to launch programs like the not for profit accelerator, Bridges, and an ever growing mentor group that is full of amazing and talented people who have help shape Oregon’s consumer product ecosystem.

That brings us to 2019.

We have Community events throughout the week that dive into current opportunities and specific challenges that consumer brands face.

In addition to that ever evolving list of events, the Main Event at The Redd on Salmon St is going to be an incredible day featuring some of Oregon’s consumer product leaders.

We at Built Oregon are super humbled and grateful to have each and every one of those people show up at our event.

Like in years past, we will use this event as a chance to listen to the community. Build new relationships. Connect more founders to their peers. Bring in new resources. And, forward step by forward step, continue to support this amazing consumer product ecosystem.

I’d also be remiss if I didn’t take the time to say a special thank you to the amazing folks at Travel Oregon. They have been the presenting sponsor every year and we truly couldn’t do what we do without them.

Pro Tip: It has sold out the past two years. We expect this year to sell out, as well. So I encourage you to register soon… but I also know people in Oregon tend to wait until the last minute to register for events.

