Directly customising your qNFT experience

Agent R(oger)
6 min readMar 29, 2022



Quantum Metadata in its many forms.

Quantum Metadata allows all qNFT-enabled projects the ability to create miniature immersive experiences directly in the qNFT itself. This technology has provided the ability to do incredible things, like display whether or not an 0xHead or Dizzy Demon has been claimed off a Blazed Cat or Dizzy Dragon, respectively. It has also allowed us to create more engaging ways to commemorate events with the introduction of Badges and Roles. Alongside these other pieces of technology is the Quantum Customiser, which provides qNFT collection holders the ability to further customise their qNFTs directly on the qNFT itself. This allows for qNFT collection admins, artists, and leaders to provide special rewards and upgrades to their holders tokens with ease through Quantum Customs.

This technology has been in development since the Summer of 2021 with the introduction of “dynamic metadata” with the Blazed Cats. With constant development on the technology since then to provide more features, and to constantly enhance existing ones.

Customising an NFT

Within the NFT space, and particularly the PFP space, there is a clear and present desire for holders to have a piece from a collection that represents them and to get new and ever-changing experiences. With some projects implementing mechanics such as forging, this allows holders the ability to combine multiple NFTs into one and bring over the traits they like from each into a single NFT, replacing the two previous pieces with a single piece containing those traits.

The QuantumTECH team has taken this a step further, by allowing users to directly customise their experience and their qNFTs, directly on the qNFT itself. This allows for users to change their qNFT to fit their personality, tastes, and to show off any exclusive customs they might have received. This process and tool set provides increased opportunities for creators as well. Instead of needing to drop new NFTs and tokens for their holders to engage with artwork, or alternatively having to make their holders do any of the leg work to see their new outfits, instead the creator is able to create a new custom for their collectors, and provide them with an intuitive and simple process to add these to their Token.

The Quantum Customiser

This system is called the Quantum Customiser and is the QuantumTECH solution to the issues of providing more ways to represent a single NFT and to make it something that the collector is able to engage with and add upgrades to without the need to spend ETH, or enter an entirely new interface. All functionality for the Quantum Customiser originates within the NFT itself.

The Quantum Customiser provides the addition of a button to the bottom left hand corner, which allows for the opening of a special panel. This panel contains all of the customs that a given qNFT has on it, and provides the ability to the user to display their preferred customs on their qNFT. This works due to the way that QUANTUM METADATA works and functions. By turning the NFTs into qNFTs and providing them a view state. That is in itself a miniature application, QuantumTECH provides the ability for the user to engage with the qNFT in a more interactive way.

How to use it

Change your qNFTs look directly on the listing page.

Using the Quantum Customizer is as simple as viewing the qNFT on OpenSea or any other platform that supports the use of animation_url tags. In order to use the Quantum Customizer all you need to do is go to the listing of any qNFT, and load it’s detail page.

From this detail page, all you need to do is open the list of Customs available by clicking the button on the bottom left hand corner of the iframe. From there, simply select all customs you wish to see, and they will be visible directly on your qNFT. Additionally, if you are the owner of the token you can that these customs and changes you have made to your qNFT permanently on the listing page, and make it your default state using qNFT Tools. If you want to read more about this, and how qNFT Tools and Quantum Saving works you can read about it here.

How it works

A qNFT is a miniature app that holders are able to interact with and engage with in more ways than a static image. The image for the given qNFT is taken from our hosted servers (with the original image still safely located on IPFS, or wherever it’s original upload state was) and presented inside of the qNFT frame. This means that the token itself is drawn each time that you are looking at it in the frame, and with this opens the ability to add new elements to these drawings.

The Quantum Customizer is a representation of three sets of data that are present for the iframe to use and work this. The first is the Projects file, which contains information about each project, and the different states that they can exist in. This relates to the qNFT Tools and Quantum States more, but is important in identifying the current state of a qNFT and the customs that are available to said states.

The second is the Custom Options files, these files exist for every qNFT that has customs available for them. This file contains information that is important as it relates to the automatic display and showing of the images in question. It contains the image itself, what tokens it is available on, and the coordinates on the qNFT in which it shows the custom. These files allow for the addition of trait specific customs, wallet and token specific customs and these other granularly defined customs. This means that you can choose a single trait and have all of those tokens see that custom, and no others.

Finally, customs themselves are stored and segmented into the different sizes that are needed for the different displays that they are supported in. This includes small 500px x 500px versions to show on small icons and load more optimally, to high resolution 2000px x 2000px+ images to save on the state of a token.

Using this incredibly rich ecosystem of information, the Quantum Customiser is able to identify for each Token what the available customs for a given qNFT are. Using this information, the user is then provided with the list of available customs. Upon selection, the iframe then accesses the proper sized custom based upon the size of the iframe, and then displays it there on top of the token for the user to see, and potentially save using qNFT Tools.

Upcoming Updates:

Layer Based Occlusion

Layer Based Occlusion is another tool which will be added to the Quantum Customiser. This upgrade will be eligible to all tokens in which QuantumTECH has access to all of the layer information for a projects tokens.

This update will allow for more precise rules to be written to the Quantum Customiser, allowing for the removal or reshuffling of layers in a project to better work with the custom that is being applied. No more weirdly stacked customs, customs cutting off or busting through other layers, or other strange behaviours that can occur in a collection.

Customs Admin Panel

Currently, the addition of customs is done by the QuantumTECH team. This is done to allow for greater monitoring of the uploads, insuring that they are done properly and conform to the requirements of the system, and for the direct modification if needed as the system is upgraded.

To allow for more seamless interaction with creators who are onboarded into the qNFT ecosystem, we will be creating and releasing an Admin Panel for validated users. This will allow for creators to upload directly their own customs, to automatically process, and introduce these customs to the Quantum Customiser for their collection.



Agent R(oger)

Technical Project Manager at Quantum.Tech, writing pieces about the technology we develop and release.