5 Tips that Will Set Your Child Up for Success This Fall

Edward White
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2017


Excitement fills the kids and, let’s be a little (or a lot) honest, relief for you is in sight after a long summer. Back to school is one of those rare win-win situations for both kids and parents!

Transitioning back into school and routine can be tricky, so we have a few tips and tricks to ease the process!

Early Rising

Bedtime isn’t a priority in the summer, and that’s about to change. To get the kids fresh and ready for that early wake ups, have them go to sleep a little earlier the week before school starts. Nobody wants to be that bleary-eyed kid on the first few days of school!

Mental Workout

According to studies, teachers spend the first month of school re-teaching kids what they learned the year before! A couple of weeks before school is a perfect time to stretch mental muscles and get them back into shape. Prepping them to learn will give them real advantages in the classroom.

Healthy Eating

Save time by pre-setting breakfast menus. Rather than thinking of healthy meals and school snacks on the fly, have the kids write down preferred snacks and sandwiches. Asking for their opinions will make it easier on you while making them feel appreciated and listened to.


Set up a family wall calendar or Google Calendar that will make it hard for anyone to forget anything! Between sports, library, social, and other days, it will save you the hassle of driving back and forth to school with forgotten sports bags and books!

Stock up

Save yourself the time you spend searching in the supermarket by pre-ordering essential everyday items. From water to cleaning products, pre-setting your orders is a must do for all busy mums! Back to school is one long rush hour and every minute counts.

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