It’s Not the Heat, it’s the Humidity: Staying Hydrated in Dubai

Edward White
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2017


It is surprising how many people get dehydrated in the Dubai heat. We all know we need to drink water, but, despite this, we somehow or underestimate our thirst.

Kids require more water than adults as they use up more energy and have a higher proportion of body water. In general, if they drink when they are thirsty, their needs are met. However, kids tend to overlook their thirst, especially when they are in the middle of something and are afraid to miss out!

Dehydration can lead to anything from headaches and migraines to fainting or nausea. I don’t need to tell you, but it is essential to stay hydrated in our hot climate!

Here are five ways to make sure you and your kids get enough water in the heat

  1. Have a timer
    Set an alarm, whether on your phone or for kids, on their watches, to drink water continuously throughout the day
  2. Keep water in sight
    Have a water bottle always near you, whether at the office, school, car or in your bag.
  3. Quench the thirst
    The minute you feel thirsty, drink water, don’t procrastinate!
  4. There is no water except for water
    Juices, teas, and coffees do have water, but they can also be diuretics. Nothing hits the spot quite like water can.
  5. Get Fruity
    Some fruits have a high-water content and are a great source of hydration. Watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, and grapefruit are great snacks during the day. Not only can they aid you in hydration, but they can also replace the nutrients and calories lost from exertion.

