Make Post-Summer Life So Much Easier With These 5 Simple Tips!

Edward White
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2017


Summer is still in full swing, but there are those of us who have already started the mental list of things to do when we get back home. Stocking up the house, buying uniforms (and any other school necessities), overdue vaccines, dental appointments… We tend to get overwhelmed before we even board the flight home.

We can relate, so we have five ways to get ahead of the game. Make your return home more relaxing and efficient!

1. Pre-order your non-perishable items and come back to a well-stocked home.

From water to cleaning products to rice to other groceries. Avoid catching the crowds heading to the supermarkets and get everything you need at BulkWhiz.

2. Make your doctor’s appointments before you arrive.

Whether its vaccines, dental cleanings, eye check-ups, or anything else, get an appointment that suits you. And do this before everyone calls in when they arrive!

3. Busy your kids on the flight home.

Have them come up with their favourite snacks and sandwiches. The constant quest for the perfect school snacks can be a real headache!

4. Catch up with some work, friends or hit the gym!

With less time spent running around in the supermarkets, you’ll have more time for yourself!

5. Plan your weekly menu.

Get inspired by what you ate during the summer to come up with a fresh and healthy menu for your return home.

Have a safe flight home!

