Making Blockchain Investments More Accessible

Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

The perks of smart capital to blockchain start-ups are numerous. Suppose you kickstart a blockchain project today, funding is one of the most important things you’d want to consider. It forms a major backbone of the project and helps bring your idea to fruition.

But a careful look at the blockchain space shows that there is an inadequate investment. Many blockchain start-ups fail due to poor investment, guidance, and inability to access strategic support. Building the blockchain future will require the creation of an enabling environment that makes growth achievable. This is hinged on democratizing access and offering sustainable support.

Access To Capital and Access To Projects

Emerging blockchain start-ups disrupted the investment space in 2017 when they adopted the token approach to raising funds. Instead of these start-ups raising funds through the traditional model from institutional investors, they issued tokens and released white papers to offer investors security in their projects.

However, the security offered was little, and it doesn’t guarantee that the start-up will go through with the project. Today, we have more blockchain companies seeking to build the future, and access to capital remains one of the major stumbling blocks. Bridging the existing gap requires deliberateness and sustainable investment approaches.

While there are numerous blockchain projects seeking funding, numerous investors are seeking early-stage projects to invest in. Bull Perks creates a fairground for bridging the existing gaps in this market. We connect the start-ups to a comprehensive nature of support that helps them develop their minimum viable products and navigate the industry. Our mission remains to make capital more accessible to viable blockchain start-ups.

Why Raise With Bull Perks?

Many blockchain start-ups require capital for their products to take off. While you may choose to use the token approach to investment, there’s a need to develop your minimum viable product, among other things. We offer excellent financial strategies for viable blockchain start-ups to execute their projects. Additionally, we have a team of experts with years of experience in blockchain investments, making them possess the required understanding of the industry.

You also gain access to closed communities with thousands of members and investors. We leverage our network to bridge the gap between your project and industry opinion leaders with vast experience in blockchain investment.

More importantly, our platform leverages financial instruments that enable blockchain start-ups to interact with their community and early users more effectively. Asides from funding, we are also in partnership with leading VCs, to offer selected projects the necessary strategic marketing to develop and scale their projects.

Why Invest With Bull Perks?

What sets us apart is the fairness with which we operate. There is equal access to investment opportunities. Unlike some other VCs that have morphed into private clubs, we offer opportunities to everyone with an interest in blockchain projects, not just VC firms and angel investors. This presents a chance for any blockchain enthusiast to contribute towards funding the future.

More importantly, we constantly scout for numerous blockchain projects, so there is enough to go around for everyone. We operate an equity-based investment model that adequately secures investor’s interest and returns. With a careful understanding of the relevant regulatory requirements, we create a secure investment platform for the next-generation blockchain start-ups.

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